Hi guys,
Unfortunately, we cannot cure allergies. I know, I suffer from them myself, not only am I allergic to some foods and even herbs, like soy, turmeric, oregano, mint and more, but I am also allergic to many medications and very sensitive to chemicals.
Doctors do have some treatments, so if you suffer from allergies you should see a doctor, and don’t be like me. At the moment I am so over all the doctors, but that is another story.
I have kept 2 of my favourite face creams I used to use still over a year ago in the morning sometimes, because of SPF and I thought there were natural, back then. I did a test because I was interested to know how my skin will react and the reaction was more than I bargained for. I had to go and wash it off my face and then spray Remedy to soothe the skin! Remedy saved me again!!! So I decided not to do it again and just show you the photo I took quickly before going to the bathroom.
My skin is red and irritated,
my eyes are sore and watery,
and it starting to all feel painful.
So I washed my face straight after and
sprayed Remedy Glow to soothe the skin.
REMEDY GLOW to the rescue, yet again!!